Nirmalie Wiratunga

Principal Investigator

Nirmalie Wiratunga is a Professor with 20+ years of research experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). She has a 20% adjunct professor role at the NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in their initiative on women in AI. She is best known for her work on textual CBR and in particular the use of ontologies and language modelling to generate semantic representations for case retrieval. In her recent work with the selfBACK (H2020) project, she leads the work package on user adherence monitoring; and her team has developed deep metric learning to reason with sensor data to deliver interactive motivational content for users in the self-management of chronic diseases. She was the keynote speaker for ICCBR’20, co-chair ICCBR’12 and a senior PC member for IJCAI, AAAI and ICCBR for 5+ years.