ICCBR 2024 Workshops

Sixth Workshop on XCBR:
Case-Based Reasoning for the Explanation of Intelligent Systems


XCBR workshop at ICCBR aims to provide a medium of exchange for information about trends, research issues and practical experiences in the use of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for the inclusion of explanations to several AI techniques (including CBR itself).  CBR provides opportunities for exploiting memory-based techniques to generate these explanations that can be successfully applied to the explanation of emerging AI and machine learning techniques.

The problem of explainability in Artificial Intelligence is not new but the rise of the autonomous intelligent systems has created the necessity to understand how these intelligent systems achieve a solution, make a prediction or a recommendation or reason to support a decision to increase users’ trust in these systems.

The goal of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is “to create a suite of new or modified machine learning techniques that produce explainable models that, when combined with effective explanation techniques, enable end users to understand, appropriately trust, and effectively manage the emerging generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems”.

For this purpose, the XCBR workshop helps an exchange of ideas and interaction, suited to highlight the main bottlenecks and challenges, as well as the more promising research lines, for CBR research related to the explanation of intelligent systems.


Research contributions submitted to the workshop will be related to areas that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • AI explanation methods using CBR: CBR explanations of ML techniques, planning, recommender systems, decision-making techniques.
  • Explanations of complex CBR systems.
  • Hybrid CBR models to provide explanation capabilities.
  • Generative AI and XCBR.
  • Evaluation metrics, methods and measures for XAI and XCBR.
  • Case-based explanation capabilities for different domains.
  • Ethics and legal regulation of AI (e.g. carrying out the new AI law in the EU).
  • Interfaces to show case-based explanations.
  • Lessons learned in XCBR investigations.
  • Challenge tasks for XCBR systems in novel AI techniques.
  • User interaction for explanations.
  • The role of experience on explainability.


We invite submissions of two types:

  1. – Long research and application papers: with at least 10 up to 16 pages, including references.
  2. – Short position papers: with at least 5 up to 9 pages, including references.

Papers must be submitted in electronic form as PDF. the submission will be via the EasyChair system. The CEUR-WS is the format required for the final camera-ready copy, please use the required LaTeX template from CEUR-WS.


April 1st Paper submission deadline
April 17th Notification of acceptance
May 1st Camera-ready submission
July 1st Workshop date

SCHEDULE (Updated 23rd June 2024)  Technical Program 13:30 – 15:00

13:30 – 13:35pm Welcome
13-35 – 13:55pm Testing Most Distant Neighbor (MDN) Variants for Semi-Factual Explanations in XAI
Saugat Aryal and Mark Keane
13:55 – 14:15pm Explainable Classification System for Hip Fractures: A hybrid CBR+LLM surrogate approach
Enrique Queipo-de-Llano, Marius Ciurcau, Alejandro Paz-Olalla, Belen Diaz-Agudo and Juan A. Recio-Garcia
14:15 – 14:35pm Counter-factual explanation of a classification model for detecting SQL injection attacks
Brian A. Cumi-Guzman, Alejandro D. Espinosa-Chim, Mauricio Gabriel Orozco-del-Castillo and Juan A. Recio-Garcia
14:35 – 14:55pm Examining the potential of sequence patterns from EEG data as alternative case representation for seizure detection
Jonah Fernandez, Guillem Hernández Guillamet, Cristina Montserrat, Bianca Innocenti and Beatriz López
14:55 – 15:00pm  Discussion and wrap up


This workshop will be held on July 1st, 2024 as part of the ICCBR 2024 workshop series in Merida, Mexico. This workshop is open to all interested conference participants. The Organizing Committee will select a subset of the submitted papers for oral presentation.


Marta Caro-Martínez, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain   martcaro@ucm.es

Belén Díaz-Agudo, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain   belend@ucm.es

Anne Liret, BT France, France   anne.liret@bt.com

XCBR’24 will have the support of the European Project iSee (Intelligent Sharing of Explanation Experiences, https://isee4xai.com) participated by several members of ICCBR Program Committee.


  • Belén Díaz Agudo, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain
  • Marta Caro Martinez, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain
  • Juan A. Recio García, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain
  • Nirmalie Wiratunga, Robert Gordon University, UK
  • Derek Bridge, University College Cork, Ireland
  • Rosina Weber, Drexel University, USA
  • Mark Keane, University College Dublin, Ireland
  • David Leake, Indiana University, USA
  • Anjana Wijekoon, University College London, UK
  • Kyle Martin, Robert Gordon University, UK
  • Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Robert Gordon University, UK
  • Anne Liret, BT France, France
  • Bruno Fleisch, BT France, France