We have prepared some questions which aim at understanding the maturity of the use case in the AI-based operations journey and the anticipated means for evaluating the utility of explanation to their end-users. Through this questionnaire we hope to gather the key information to elaborate an ontology for Explanation Experiences.
The online questionnaire is available at : Intelligent Sharing of Explanation Experience by Users for Users (office.com)

  1. Do you use AI model(s) in your workflows?
  2. What is the task and goals of the AI model(s)?
  3. Can you tell us about the training data ?
  4. Do you already have some form of explanation integrated with your AI model?
  5. Who are the end-users of your AI model(s)?
  6. Who are the users who are interested in getting explanations from your AI model(s)?
  7. What do you expect iSee to deliver to your team?
  8. What type of data/information are you planning to make available to iSee?
  9. How involved would you like to be with iSee: technical discussions, technical discussions and development,
    user co-design activities, advisory, none


The more feedback the better we will build the platform… thank you, BTFrance, University of Cork, University of Madrid, Robert Gordon University